Our Top Tips for Choosing Wood Cabinets

Wood cabinets are a great way to create a timeless and inviting living space, but selecting which specific wood is best for your project is another matter. That’s why we brought together our top tips to help you choose the perfect wood cabinets for your project.  A good place to start this process is to … Read more

How We Install 500+ pound Windows

Installing windows involves careful planning and execution, and when those windows weigh 500, 600, or 800 pounds each, the planning and execution steps are paramount.  The process of how we install these windows came from close collaboration between DP Juza and the window manufacturer, H Window Company in Ashland, Wisconsin, to ensure proper installation of … Read more

This CNC Upgrades Our Custom Fixture Manufacturing

The Biesse Rover K FT CNC is an essential manufacturing tool that improves our custom fixture manufacturing process. It uses highly customizable software to control various machine tools, allowing for precise creation of parts from wood materials. Key Features Benefits of Adding the Biesse Rover K FT Adding the Biesse Rover K FT CNC into … Read more

Custom Finish: Professional Solutions for Timeless Quality

At DP Juza Woods and Fixtures, the finish of a project is as critical as its build quality. Our finishing department can create any custom finish tailored to each client’s vision. Why Do We Finish Wood? Finishing wood sanitizes, preserves, stabilizes, and adds unique aesthetics to the finished product. The finishing process seals up the … Read more

Two cherry wood cabinet doors that are finish sanded

How it’s made: Cabinet Doors

At DP Juza we craft 90% of our custom cabinet doors in the shaker style, utilizing a mortise and tenon joint. While we can make any style of cabinet door, the shaker style is how most cabinet doors begin. Each cabinet door features a center panel, with rails on the top and bottom and stiles … Read more

Pecky Cypress kitchen

Wood of the Week – Pecky Cypress

What is Pecky Cypress? Pecky Cypress is bald cypress AKA swamp cypress or red cypress that has numerous open defects that a fungus creates in the heartwood of over-mature trees. Bald cypress is a deciduous conifer tree that is in the same family as Sequoia and Redwood trees. As a deciduous conifer bald cypress drops … Read more

The DPJ Custom Furniture and Fixtures Protection Process

Ensuring our clients receive their custom furniture and fixtures in ideal condition is just as important as building them precisely. We prepare every custom furniture and fixture for transport before we load it in company trailers, or shipping containers, depending on their destination. Our craftsmen carefully prepare and load each fixture for transport to ensure … Read more

Wood of the Week – Poplar

What is Poplar? Poplar – also known as aspen, cottonwood or pople – is considered a hardwood, but is surprisingly softer than pine. It is native to the northern hemisphere and encompasses around thirty different varieties. The sapwood is a creamy white color and has brown/gray streaks throughout and the heartwood is yellow-brown to an olive-green color. Poplar has … Read more

Wood of the Week – White Birch (aka Paper Birch)

White Birch is a tree native to the northern parts of North America. White Birch is also known as Paper Birch and Canoe Birch. It gets the name Paper Birch from its thin white bark that often peels in paper-like layers. The name Canoe Birch comes from the fact it was often used by native … Read more

Wood of the Week – Avodire

What is Avodire? Avodire is a hardwood that is native to western and central Africa. Its habitat preference is near water – lakes and streams mostly. On average, avodire grows up to 110 feet tall and has trunk diameters between 2-3 feet and can sometimes reach 5 feet in diameter. It is non-durable in regards to … Read more