Exclusive sports retail display fixture and high end premier residential cabinet maker retools in 24hours to join the fight against the spread of Covid-19 virus to healthcare workers. We are learning more about the virus itself and the characteristics of its spread across the nation.
The aggressive nature of its spread and virility will overload our healthcare system. Overloading the system is bad but what is worse is losing any of the army of healthcare workers actually fighting the battle.
There are things that can be done to help. Relationships and creativity can be leveraged for our collective good.
One example is DPJuza Woods and Fixtures company president Ben Juza had recently made the decision to close their production facility to do their part to help “flatten the curve” for spread of the virus.
One day later he received a call from a local friend who happens to be a physician at a local hospital.
Katie Eichten, MD shared a video with Ben showing the benefits of a custom manufactured “aerosol box” that has been constructed and tested showing its effectiveness in reducing the spread of the virus within healthcare settings. Video and article is available here.
Dr. Eichten asked Ben if this was something DP Juza woods and Fixtures could help with. Ben jumped at the chance to give his talented crew a purpose. That purpose is to help our collective cause as a nation and world to help stop the spread of the pandemic.
The challenge of the box construction itself was not great, shifting his production facility over to making the protective shields was. As you see in the video the construction is pretty straightforward, but shifting from wood to plexiglass materials was where the rubber met the road.

Ben immediately rallied his team of craftsmen and presented them the challenge and within the next 24 hours, retooled his production facility and processes to focus on creating these “BOXES” for use in the hospitals locally in Washburn and Sawyer counties, in Wisconsin. DPJuza Woods & Fixtures hardworking crew are showing their dedication to helping flatten the curve of the virus spread.

Within one week DP Juza Woods and Fixtures became one of a few manufacturers offering and shipping the virus spread protection equipment.

Ben and his dedicated group of craftsmen are proud to be a part of the solution to bring the Pandemic to its demise.