White Oak Grain

White Oak and Custom Woodworking

What is White Oak? White oak is a hardwood native to North America and can be found from northern Florida to northern Ontario. It is a long-lived tree and has been found to live to 450 years. The oldest recorded white oak tree is estimated to be over 600 years old. White oak trees grow … Read more

Aersol Boxes under construction at the DP Juza workshop.

Boxing in COVID-19

Exclusive sports retail display fixture and high end premier residential cabinet maker retools in 24hours to join the fight against the spread of Covid-19 virus to healthcare workers. We are learning more about the virus itself and the characteristics of its spread across the nation. The aggressive nature of its spread and virility will overload our healthcare … Read more

Over 20 full-size doors ready to be finished.

Doors, Doors and More Doors

A project we have in house currently, consists of 120 full height gear lockers, for a golf course clubhouse remodel at Carlisle Barracks, in Carlisle, PA. These things are the real deal, heavy duty, lifetime use locker.

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Our new cherry-red Simplicity Snowblower

Simplicity – Our New Snowblower

In Wisconsin we have two seasons, construction season and Winter. Winter is a total crap shoot. Sometimes it’s cold as all can be, sometimes it just snows to beat heck. This year we decided to stop shoveling everywhere and work smarter.

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The new retail counter at the Woodfield Country Club tennis pro shop.

The Rise of Tennis

For the past two decades, we have pushed hard to find retail spaces that were willing to entertain cutting edge design and atmospheres. Here are a few photos to showcase a beautiful southern Tennis Pro-Shop.

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Two of our craftsmen take a knee in front a job well done.

Projects That Define a Business

There are jobs, projects or even moments that will define the life of any business.  Crossroads, of sorts, that if met with great expectations will catapult a business to the next level or, if not met, could spell the beginning of the end for any business.

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Dust Collection is a Must

Dust is inevitable in a woodworking shop, so dust collectors are a must. Some machines produce so much dust, they need their own dust collectors.

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A detail of a dovetail joint one one of our drawer boxes.

Our Construction Process – Drawer Boxes

Through the years, we have tried different styles of drawer boxes and have fine-tuned how our drawer boxes are built and our end product standard. Dovetail drawer boxes are generally considered a higher quality drawer box than more traditional types of drawers for many reasons.

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